Before I dive into this, please note...yes, genetics play a big part in having a base/genetically having bigger, rounder and perkier glutes! There are so many different exercises and ways to fuel your body to build. You need to keep constantly doing these things over the years to get the glutes you want and the glutes you have always dreamt of having :)
Your glutes are the largest and by far the most important group of muscle in your body. We all see and hear that the BOOTY IS IN and not only does having strong glutes look great but having stronger glutes is vital to your everyday movements through life.
By strengthening your gluteus minimus, medius and maximus (three muscles that work together to abduct, rotate and extend) you will improve not only the look but your posture, athletic performance in and out of the gym and overall strength will improve.
So here are the basics you can do to improve your glutes. Always remember’re allowed to love yourself where you are whilst working on where you want to be!
- DIET. 🥗
Having a set nutrition plan to follow is so important.
Nutrition, recovery and training all goes hand and hand. Having a healthy diet to follow full of the right macronutrients is going to help with muscle growth, strength and recovery for your glute building. Make sure you’re hitting your protein, carbs and healthy fats daily with a regular glute workout routine. Remember to “build” you need to EAT and get that protein in. You must have enough calories daily and eat protein which is essential for muscle repair. If you are moving and working out regularly, you have to constantly refuel and repair your body properly.
Here are some muscle building foods you can start adding to your diet:
- Chicken breast.
- Eggs.
- Tofu.
- Protein bars.
- Protein shakes and smoothies
- Fish - tuna, salmon.
- Lean red meat
You guys know I love my glute activation! I always fit activation work into my programs and bootcamps (if you know, you know) Glute activation literally “wakes up your glutes” and helps with switching on the right muscles during workouts. Targeting your glutes from all angles and finding the right way for you to feel the “burn” in your glutes is going to help shape and tone.
I use my LT booty band and ankle weights for all your glute activation work. Trust me, you will feel it, it will make a massive difference! Keep consistent! There are so many exercises you can do but here are my three favourite exercises you can try. (even set your timer right now at 45 seconds on with a 10 second rest, two sets, two rounds, grab your booty band and wake your glutes up)
🦀 Crab walks.
Put your booty band around your ankles, have a slight bend in your knees, push your feet out and step side to side. The aim is to rip that band apart ;) your glutes have to work harder to keep your toes from pointing inwards. BURN BABY BURN!
Put your booty band around your ankle, lean forward slightly and grab your balance, standing on one foot extending one leg behind you. Repeat! One after another, feel the tension through your glute. Remember your mind to muscle connection.
🐸 Frog pump
Lay on the ground on your back, place your feet together, tuck next to chin to your chest, dig elbows into the ground and thrust your hips up. Whilst you’re bridging into air remember to maintain your position.
Now glute activation is great and works...but compound weight lifting exercises like deadlifts, weighted squats, weighted lunges and hamstring work is all going to help with muscle growth. You don’t have to go HEAVY but you do need to focus on progessive overload meaning in order to get stronger (and see results) you need to continuously increase the amount of resistance you expose your muscles to. In other words, you keep upping the weight and/or reps in your workouts over time to consistently challenge your muscles. Some of my favourite weighted exercises you can add to your workouts and try are - barbell hip thrusts, split squats, hamstring curls and dumbbell stiff leg deadlifts.
Setting goals and writing your goals down is so important. Having a plan in place helps keep you motivated and accountable for achieving your goals. You can’t go through the motions of “oh I saw this girl on instagram with amazing glutes doing these exercises so I’m just going to randomly do that today” and then not do anything for the next 5 days. Although this is better than doing absolutely nothing, any movement is better than no movement. You do however need to have a structured training and nutrition program set in place to work towards (not just for great glutes but setting a plan in place for all your goals in life)
For example a short term goal if you’re wanting to build your glutes is:
- Doing 3 booty focused workouts a week.
- Starting all your lower body workout days with 5-10 minutes of glute activation.
- Sticking to your meal plan.
- Stretching after each workout.
I cannot stress this enough. This is the most important and valuable to everyone, mentally and physically. We are all different, we all come in different shapes and shapes. Some of us naturally have big glutes, some of us absolutely have no shape, some of us love our big butts, some of us don’t. Embrace your body and all your body's uniquenesses! The main thing to remember when building your dream body, transforming your body and building your dream glutes is to always respect and love the body you’re in. Stick to the plan and enjoy every step of the way.
I hope these tips and tricks have helped. If you need a set glute program, want to learn new glute exercises make sure you check out our online programs, online bootcamps and connect with me via social media.
HAPP GLUTE BUILDING GUYS! 😁 Please let me know how you go.
Love always,
Lisa Trujillo xx